The Painted Bunting male is known for their exotic blends of bright colors, while the ladies and youngsters are a green color - to help them blend into their habitat.
These photos do them no justice!
This year, we have been so blessed to have become a small sanctuary for the Painted Buntings that migrate each Spring from Mexico. The lady that runs the Wild Birds Unlimited store, where I buy my birdseed, informed me that we have the largest concentration of these beautiful birds in our area, based on reported sightings.
We have counted 9 males and over a dozen females at one time in our front yard. The habitiat is heavily wooded cedar and oak, which gives the birds a great place to raise their young ones. We have running water 24/7, and of course supply their favorite food - millet seed.
From late May to mid August, we totally enjoy their presence. They are now starting to leave, as I have not seen any of the boys in a few days, although the ladies and youngsters are still here.
Their biggest threat is of course by man. Because of the boy's striking colors, when they return to Mexico, they risk being captured to become caged birds, much like parakeets and finches.